Keeping a Vocabulary

For each subject in school, reserve part of your notebook or create a digital file for words, definitions, word parts, synonyms, and other information. Notes about new words help you remember them. Here are example vocabulary notebook entries.

Example Entries

A Word

B Word Parts

C Definition

D Pronunciation

E Drawings

F Examples

G Synonyms

H Sample Sentence

carbohydrate (kär´-bo-hi´-drat)
carbo (carbon) + hydrate (water)
a molecule made up of carbon, hydrogen, 
and oxygen; the product of 
photosynthesis, using sunlight to 
make sugars from CO2 and H2O
glucose is a simple carbohydrate
complex carbohydrates have more complicated 
diagrams and take longer to digest
carbohydrates provide 
dietary energy
synonyms: sugar, starch, 
We should eat more 
complex carbohydrates.
Social Studies
oligarchy (ol´i-gar´ke)
•	oligos (few) + archy (rule)
•	a system of government in which a small group rules and passes on power to others within the group
•	some oligarchies are based on wealth, but others are based on family ties, control of business or military interests, or race, as in apartheid South Africa
•	similar terms—aristocracy (rule by the best) and plutocracy (rule by the rich)
•	It may be that all systems of government become oligarchies.

Your Turn In your class notebook or a digital file, write entries for two new terms you’ve come across. Record the word, its pronunciation, a definition, and other helpful information.


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