Chapter 1


Overview of 21st Century Skills

Imagine for a moment what life was like just 10 years ago. There was no Facebook. No Twitter. No YouTube, GPS, smartphones, texting. Now imagine what life will be like 10 years from now. It’s almost impossible to do. New innovations and events may completely change your world. How can you be ready?

You can begin by learning the 21st century skills discussed in general in this chapter and more thoroughly later on. You can sharpen your critical thinking, improve your creative thinking, hone your communication skills, become a problem solver, and much more.

That’s what this book is meant to do—help you prepare for and thrive in a future you can’t even imagine.

Additional Resources

Web site: Facebook

Web site: Twitter

Web site: YouTube

Web site: U.S. GPS System

Wikipedia entry: smartphones

Wikipedia entry: texting