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Do you need classroom curricula for teaching English language arts, 21st century skills, or social-emotional learning? Check out these high-quality books created by the team that brought you Writers INC and Write Source!
Writers Express
A Handbook for Young Writers, Thinkers, and Learners
The new Writers Express is the perfect resource to help 4th and 5th grade students become better writers, readers, test takers, and learners. This student handbook overflows with writing guidelines, models, checklists, tips, and much more. The 2016 edition includes updated student models and follows the latest state standards.
Learn more about the new Writers Express.
“I am a teacher of students in grades 4–5, and all of my students love your handbook. When I asked them why, they said, ‘It’s colorful, easy to use, and full of great stuff .’”
—Searfoss Elementary
Johnstown, Ohio
Write for Business
A Guide to Writing and Communicating in the Workplace
Whether you are preparing students for college and career or are a workplace writer yourself, you need Write for Business! Check out the free, online Write for Business Guide. Optimized for viewing on any screen from smartboard to smartphone, this business-writing handbook is perfect for classroom instruction as well as for guidance throughout your workday.
A Student Handbook for 21st Century Learning
The Inquire student handbook and teacher’s guide teach 21st century skills, traditional study skills, the inquiry process, and project-based instruction. Students gain skills that help them in all classes and make them ready for college and career.
Learn more about Inquire Elementary, Inquire Middle School, and Inquire High School.
“Learn skills that are real. Inquire changed my perspective on education.”
Oliver Schinkten
Oshkosh North High School
In Focus
Improving Social and Emotional Intelligence One Day at a Time
These teaching resources contain hundreds of 10-15 minute lessons that help your students develop their social and emotional intelligence.
Learn more about In Focus (Grades K-2), In Focus (Grades 3-5), and In Focus (Grades 6-8).