Research and Resources
Inquire was built on a broad base of research into 21st century skills, inquiry, and project-based learning. The authors used the following research materials, which can provide excellent resources for those who wish to delve deeper.
“Ad Council Home Page.” Ad Council, 21 Mar. 2011. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
“Admongo Home Page.” Federal Trade Commission, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Alvarado, Amy E., and Patricia R. Herr. Inquiry-Based Learning Using Everyday Objects: Hands-On Instructional Strategies That Promote Active Learning in Grades 3-8. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2003. Print.
Barell, John. Problem-Based Learning: An Inquiry Approach, 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2007. Print.
Barell, John. Why Are School Buses Always Yellow? Teaching for Inquiry, PreK-5. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008. Print.
Bartelmay, Kathy, and Jeff Burch. “Strengthening Literacy Through Science Projects.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 18 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
Bellanca, James. Enriched Learning Projects: A Practical Pathway to 21st Century Skills. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press, 2010. Print.
Biederbeck, Eric. “Digital Storytelling in the Science and Math Classrooms.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 5 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
Burmark, Lynell. Visual Literacy: Learn to See, See to Learn. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 2002. Print.
Cecil, Nancy L. The Art of Inquiry: Questioning Strategies for K-6 Classrooms. Winnipeg: Peguis Publishers, 1995. Print.
“Comic Creator.” International Reading Association/NCTE, n.d. 24 Mar. 2011. Web. <>
Cross, Stephanie B. “Project-Based Student-Centered Curriculum in the Standards-Based Classroom.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 5 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
DiBlasi, Howie. “Ten Projects to Teach Creativity and Problem Solving in Your Classroom.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 6 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
“DiRT Frontpage.” Digital Research Tools Wiki. PBWorks, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Dodd, Julie, and Judy Robinson. “Multimedia Blogging—Strategies for Creating a Community Within the Classroom and Beyond.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 18 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
“Duke School Home Page.” Duke School, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
“Edutopia Home Page.” The George Lucas Educational Foundation, n.d. Web 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Falinski, Joanne, and Lizabeth Fogel. “Living with Digital Natives in Elementary Classrooms: Dual Language Students Construct New and Traditional Literacies Through Digital Storytelling.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 20 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
Digital Storytelling.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 20 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
Forsten, Char. “Model Drawing for Middle School.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 4 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
“Framework for 21st Century Skills.” Partnership for 21st Century Skills, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Galante, Nichole et al. “Living, Teaching, and Learning in Online Communities.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 19 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
“Games Planet Arcade.” U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. 25 June 2010. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Graceffa, Laura. “Collaborative Science Writing: Using Digital Writing to Enhance and Accelerate Learning.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 5 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
Greenstone, Barbara. “Promoting Literacy with Cartoons, Comics, and Graphic Novels.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 4 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
Harvey, Stephanie, and Harvey Daniels. Inquiry Circles in Action: Comprehension & Collaboration. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2009. Print.
Haselbauer, Nathan. The Mammoth Book of New IQ Puzzles. Philadelphia: Running Press Book Publishers, 2010. Print.
“High Tech High Home Page.” High Tech High, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
“International Visual Literacy Association Home Page.” International Visual Literacy Association, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Kagan, Laurie. “Teaching with the Brain in Mind.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 5 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
Kuhlthau, Carol C., Leslie K. Maniotes, and Ann K. Caspari. Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century. Westport, CN: Libraries Unlimited, 2007. Print.
Lavine, Alan. “Dominoe 50 Ways.” CogDogRoo. 3 Oct. 2009. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Lattimer, Heather, and Diana Combs. “Real World Literacy: Project-Based Learning in the English/Language Arts Classroom.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 19 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
Leach, Jennifer, and Dutchess Maye. “Teaching Critical Literacy Skills Using 21st Century Literacy.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 19 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
Livingstone, Ian, and Jamie Thomson. Brain Teasers. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., 2009. Print.
Melber, Leah M., and Alyce Hunter. Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies. Los Angeles: Sage, 2010. Print.
Moline, Steve, and David Drew. “Visual Literacy K-8.” Black Cockatoo Publishing, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Murdough, Kathleen, and Jessica Tilton. “Global Issues Multigenre Project: Combining English Literacy with Cultural Literacy.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 18 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
Oliver, Bruce. “Top Ten Tips for Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 4 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
Pellerin, Jenifer, and Meg Petersen. “Composing with Images and Words: Creating a Comics Composing Community with Students.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 20 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).
“Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century.” Buck Institute for Education, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Roth, LaVonna. “Creating Brains That Reign.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 4 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
Short, Kathy G., et al. Learning Together Through Inquiry: From Columbus to Integrated Curriculum. York, ME: Stenhouse, 1996.
“Standards for Global Learning in the Digital Age.” International Society for Technology in Education, n.d. Web. 24 March 24, 2011. <>
Steffen, Peggy. “Educational Gaming: New Teaching Strategies.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 5 Nov. 2010.
Sutman, Frank X., Joseph S. Schmuckler, and Joyce D. Woodfield. The Science Quest: Using Inquiry/Discovery to Enhance Student Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008. Print.
Tanner, Lori, and Elaine Wiegert. “Problem-Based Learning: The Good, the Bad, the Challenges, and Where to Begin.” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 6 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
“TeAchnology Home Page.” TeAchnology. Teachnology, Inc., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Thompson, Randy. “Curriculum Development—With the Brain Involved?” Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, 6 Nov. 2010. (NMSA Session).
Trilling, Bernie, and Fadel, Charles. 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009. Print.
“Visual Literacy: An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Communication, Engineering and Business.” Universitat St. Galen/Universite De Geneve, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Wheatley, Gail and Eric Bort. “EdHeads: Activate Your Mind.” Ed Heads, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>
Wright, Julie. “Visual Literacy in the 21st Century.” Coronado Convention Center, Orlando, FL, 18 Nov. 2010. (NCTE Session).