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Inquire Online
Student Handbook and Teacher's Guide
In the Inquire Online student handbook and teacher's guide, you'll find all the same great content you get in the print books—and a lot of extras.
What extras will I find in the student handbook?
The Inquire Online student handbook features the following:
A linked table of contents makes navigation easy.
Bookmarks take you to your favorite pages.
The search function helps you find what you need.
All the text and key illustrations appear in the online book.
Linked cross-references click to related pages.
Other links point beyond the book for more information.
Additional resources link to Web sites, videos, and articles.
Downloadable templates in Word let students do activities digitally.
What extras will I find in the teacher's guide?
The Inquire Online Teacher's Guide contains the same great features as the student handbook, along with the following extras:
The student handbook is just a click away.
Links, bookmarks, and searchability provide easy navigation.
Links to the handbook allow easy access to student material.
All the text from the print book appears here.
Correlations connect to complete listings.
Classes allow you to post messages and assignments to your students.
*Instant-messaging ability will be added soon.
Copy masters can be printed and distributed.
PDF downloads let you send copy masters digitally.
An answer key for each chapter review comes as a PDF.
*Cross-curricular minilessons, project ideas, and team-teaching suggestions can be printed, downloaded, and shared with
other teachers.
The Inquire Online student handbook and teacher's guide are living documents,
with additional features and resources being added all the time.