10 Tips for Getting Unstuck

Creating does not always go smoothly. If you get stuck, here are some tips to get you going again.

  1. Step back. You may be too close to your work. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and try again.
  2. Review your planning. Look at your planning goals and schedule. Are you on track? If not, what steps can you take to get there?
  3. Define the hang-up. Complete the following sentence: “I’m having trouble moving forward because . . .” Recognize and examine the problem.
  4. List ways around the problem. Complete the following sentence: “I can solve my problem by . . .” List as many solutions as you can. Then choose the best one and carry it out.
  5. Think upside-down. Instead of focusing on the problem, examine what you’ve done so far. Could you improve anything? Fine-tune the work you’ve finished, and then go back to the problem.
  6. Change your scenery. Try working on your project somewhere else (outdoors, in a coffee shop, and so on). Sometimes the monotony of a room can suppress your creativity.
  7. Ask for a second opinion. Get some outside help. Suggestions from other group members or peers may be just what you need to tackle your problem. Talk it out.
  8. Take small steps. Divide the problem into chunks. Then solve it one step at a time. The projects that are most worth doing cannot be done all at once. They can, however, be done step by step.
  9. Work on a new part. Skip ahead in your project. A solution to your present problem may present itself while you’re thinking of other things. (That’s your subconscious mind at work.)
  10. Get away. If you’re still stuck, stop what you’re doing and get away. Do something completely different. Grab a bite to eat. Take a walk, jog, or run. Often, moving your major muscle groups untangles your thinking. Then you can return with a fresh mind.

Your Turn Have you found other effective strategies for getting unstuck? Share them with your classmates.