Rob's Less Offensively Flagged Test Project
Here is my second attempt at a test project, since I went ahead and clicked my last attempt as offensive.
I'm going to paste some code in here from a Word File to see what happens.
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000207 EndHTML:0000005665 StartFragment:0000003237 EndFragment:0000005629 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/Rob/Documents/Inquire%20High%20School/IHSChap7BuildingArguments.doc
[A]Understanding Logic
Logic comes from the Latin root logos, which means “word.” In its most basic form, then, logic refers to the way that words connect to make meaning. In all writing, we use logic to build meaning.
- Definitions: Every word has a definition, which is the starting point for making meaning. Often, a word will have multiple meanings, and the true meaning has to be derived from the way it is used.
manipulate: (1) to change with the hands, (2) to handle skillfully, (3) to modify in an unfair or deceitful way
- Syntax: The syntax is the way that words are used together. The meaning of most words becomes apparent only through syntax, whether it is used as a subject, a verb, an object, or a modifier. For example, the meaning of “manipulate” and “feelings” is determined by their connection.
manipulate feelings: to unfairly or deceitfully modify a person’s emotions
- Semantics: Semantics refers to the larger-scale meaning of word structures. Once you have a complete sentence, you have the basic semantic structure—or a claim. Paragraphs, essays, and books extend the semantic structures to larger and larger forms.
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000177 EndHTML:0000010426 StartFragment:0000003958 EndFragment:0000010390 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/Rob/Desktop/LizardMouseMonkeyPost.doc
- The reptile brain (brainstem) focuses on avoiding harm.
Though we like to think of the primate brain as the first one (after all, primate means “first”), it’s actually last. It was the last part to develop, and it’s the last part to receive signals
Negative political ads manipulate the feelings of voters, causing them to vote against a candidate rather than for one.
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