
Another Text Project

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempor ligula sit amet libero lobortis ornare. Cras id augue non ante fermentum egestas quis quis diam. Aliquam lacus lectus, molestie quis consectetur at, ultricies in sapien. In fringilla, massa eget aliquet tempor, justo dolor consectetur velit, in iaculis justo nunc vitae lorem. Praesent malesuada turpis et libero ullamcorper imperdiet. Vivamus id faucibus augue. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc malesuada massa a mi mollis vel blandit elit fermentum.

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Office Blueprint

Traditional blueprints have largely been replaced by more modern, less expensive printing methods and digital displays. In the early 1940s, cyanotype blueprint began to be supplanted by diazo prints or whiteprints, which have blue lines on a white background; thus these drawings are also called blue-lines or bluelines. Other comparable dye-based prints are known as blacklines.

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House Blueprint

Traditional blueprints have largely been replaced by more modern, less expensive printing methods and digital displays. In the early 1940s, cyanotype blueprint began to be supplanted by diazo prints or whiteprints, which have blue lines on a white background; thus these drawings are also called blue-lines or bluelines. Other comparable dye-based prints are known as blacklines.

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Rube Goldberg Machine

A Rube Goldberg machine is a complicated device that performs a simple task. Our Rube Goldberg machine was for a Milwaukee-area competition. First, question the situation for the Rube Goldberg machine. Then plan your machine using a planning sheet. Gather peices that you find interesting and that will work with your theme. Experiemtn with ways to store and release engergy in each piece. Research the construction of your machine. Build a frame that will hold or organize the other peices of the machine. FOr contests, follow the size and mobility requirements. Finally, create your machine. Then go back and improve your machine by evaluating it, then reworking the machine. When you are finished Present your machine before an audience.

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