Scientific Inquiry

Science is all about inquiry—questioning phenomena and searching for answers. Over thousands of years, scientists have developed a general method for seeking answers.

The Scientific Method

Like all forms of inquiry, the scientific method is not a hard-and-fast set of steps that always occur in the same way and in the same order. Still, the method has a series of widely agreed upon steps, shown to the left of the outline below. The standard lab report uses a structure that follows the scientific method.


Ask a question or identify a problem.

Lab Report

Problem: (or Objective or Question)

A brief description of the problem, objective, or question


Form a hypothesis about the issue.


An assumption or prediction about the problem, objective, or question


Design an experiment to test the hypothesis.

Experiment Design: (or Procedure)

An explanation of the materials and methods used to test the hypothesis

Results: (or Data)


Conduct the experiment and gather data.

A list of the data gathered—often arranged in tables, graphs, or charts

Analysis: (or Discussion)


Review the data and experiment and draw conclusions.

A discussion of the data, what it means, and any questions or concerns


A verdict for the hypothesis and any further experimentation that should occur


Present your findings in a lab report or paper.

Works Cited:

A bibliography of the sources of information used in the report


Your Turn Reflect on a science experiment that you have conducted. What was the main question or problem? What did you discover? How is science a specialized form of inquiry?


Designing Experiments

The scientific method and the lab-report form give you the basic structure for designing an experiment:

  1. Identify a question or problem. Often your science teacher will provide the question or problem, but professional scientists come up with their own questions. You can identify a question by noticing patterns and identifying problems in the world around you.

The sun is so blazing hot today. I feel like I’m frying. What would it take to make a solar stove that could actually cook food?

  1. Create a hypothesis. Make a prediction about the question or problem you have identified. State your hypothesis as a fact with measurable variables.

Hypothesis: Using tin foil on a parabolic curve, I could concentrate enough sunlight to heat a hot dog to 190 degrees F.

  1. Identifying variables. Think about the hypothesis and the variables that you want to test. Decide how to test them.

Variables: Size of reflector, cooking temperature, cooking time

Test for reflector size: Use 1-foot, 1½-foot and 2-foot reflectors.

Test for temperature: Use meat thermometers.

Test for cooking time: Use watch with second hand.

  1. Identify variables to control. Think about other variables that could affect the outcome. Then devise ways to control these variables.

Variables: Ambient temperature, wind

Controls: Require 80–85 degrees F ambient temperature, < 5 m.p.h. wind

  1. Summarize the experiment. Write the process you will follow.

Design: I will create a set of solar cookers using parabolic curves covered in tin foil. Each curve will be 6 inches wide, but I will test these at 1-foot, 1½-foot, and 2-foot lengths. For each reflector, I will test the time it takes for a hot dog to reach 190 degrees F.

Your Turn Think of interesting phenomena in the world around you: the movement of shadows, the formation of snow drifts, the erosion of soil, or some other pattern. Then follow steps 1 to 5 above to design your own experiment. If your instructor approves your design, carry out the experiment and report the results.


Deductive Reasoning

The experiment design on the previous page uses a deductive pattern of thinking. It begins with a general question and works toward specific observations. Here’s a lab report that also uses deductive reasoning:

Osmosis in Chicken Eggs


This lab experiment tests osmosis in chicken eggs, specifically focusing on the effect of water concentration inside and outside the eggs.


Deduction begins with a general observation, a problem, and a hypothesis.

How does water content inside and outside an egg affect osmosis?


Higher water concentration inside an egg will cause osmosis outward, and higher concentration outside will cause osmosis inward.

Experiment Design:

An experimental design allows scientists to test the hypothesis through a step-by-step procedure.

  1. Using four eggs, measure the length, width, and mass of each.
  2. Place one egg in each of four beakers. Add solution as follows:
    1. Distilled water (100 percent H2O)
    2. Salt water (98 percent H2O)
    3. Isopropyl alcohol (30 percent H2O)
    4. Corn syrup (5 percent H2O)
  3. After two days, measure the length, width, and mass of each egg.


Specific results appear in a table.


Width Before

Width After

Length Before

Length After

Mass Before

Mass After

A. Water

41 mm

43 mm

54 mm

57 mm

52 g

62 g

B. Salt water

44 mm

41 mm

56 mm

53 mm

54 g

49 g

C. Isopropyl alcohol

46 mm

42 mm

57 mm

55 mm

55 g

45 g

D. Corn syrup

42 mm

38 mm

55 mm

52 mm

52 g

43 g

Analysis: (or Discussion)

Analysis reveals patterns in the data.

The egg in distilled water gained width, height, and mass. All of the other eggs lost in each category. The solutions with the lowest amount of water show the greatest reduction in the size and mass of the egg.


The conclusion applies the general hypothesis to the specific data.

Water moved from greater concentrations to lesser concentrations, thus swelling or dehydrating the egg.


Your Turn Discuss with a partner how lab reports exhibit a deductive structure (see also page 97).


Inductive Reasoning

Scientists also work inductively, beginning with a mountain of data and sifting through it to discover patterns and processes. The table below from NASA shows near-Earth objects, indicating date, distance from Earth, size, and relative velocity.

Inductive reasoning begins with specific data, such as this information about near-Earth objects.

Inductive reasoning looks for patterns: objects that are close, those that are large, and those that are fast.

Inductive reasoning makes connections: Some objects appear in two categories.

General conclusions result: Objects sharing two or more of these traits are concerning due to chance of hitting Earth and energy imparted by hitting.

Near-Earth Objects, Jan 25–April 19, 2012 Near-Earth Objects Chart


Your Turn Investigate the chart above. Do you notice any other interesting patterns? Can you draw any conclusions from what you see?


Additional Resources

Web page: Build a Solar Cooker

Video: Energy: Solar Cooking, National Geographic

Web page: Parabola, Math Is Fun

Web site: Near-Earth Object Program, NASA